Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Morning Dreaming

I'm a cafe lover!  One of my favorite things is going into a great space and sipping a classic New Orleans iced coffee and dreaming up a song or project.  Sunday mornings are great at the Rue de la Course on Oak St.  The character just oozes out of this place.  Oak street is being renovated now and is thriving like the main st. of old.  This is what charmed me to move back to New Orleans from NY.  I do miss NY's edge and the pulse of everyone pushing for the new, but New Orleans has a way of being content with the Old.  It laughs at trends and just remains....Today I've got a song on my mind. I have all the chords and the melody but still waiting for the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place.  I'm going to  let them sit in this cafe for a bit and then take them for a ride and maybe get a nice lunch at the inlaws and maybe watch some golf and chill in the A.C.  Yes, it's been really hot!!!  Later tonight I might sit at the piano and see what comes out.  You never know when it's gonna come rolling out in that perfect sentence.  I no longer sit at the desk with a nice leather bound book and pen, it just doesn't  come out that way.  Most of the time it ends up on a napkin.  I love the journey of song writing.  It feels good to be where I am now writing without the pressure of having to sell myself, just writing for myself and no one else.  

1 comment:

  1. One of nicest coffee shops in old bank right?
    The tables and chairs look like Shaker furniture.
    If you haven't seen the doc by Ken Burns, watch it instantly on's called "The Shakers"
    Love the blog!
