Friday, February 17, 2012

Folk Impressionism....

"the force that through the green fuse drives the flower", Dylan Thomas

Art is an act of faith, and we practice practicing it.  Sometimes we are called on pilgrimages on its behalf and, like many pilgrims, we doubt the call even as we answer it.  But answer we do. -Julia Cameron

Creative hopes and dreams rise and fall secretly.  No one hears my melody of fallen trees, only me and I'm left on my own to conquer them.  It's an overwhelming feeling, like riding the sea to another land and then having to deal with the thick of the brush when you get there.  Yesterday we recorded piano over my acoustic song "iniquity blues" and wanted the piano player to use Satie and Debussy as a guide to push us in a more folk impressionist direction.  Upon hearing the play back I couldn't believe my ears. It was as if the sun finally shone through the cafe window after the many drips on the pane and countless cigarettes and fits of nostalgia.  The first person that came to mind was Bill Evans.  I had no idea he was so influenced by the Impressionist era.  I mean, it makes sense now but to me he was always Bill Evans the man that created the mood on Miles Davis' Kind of Blue.  

Bill Evans

The position of the artist is humble.  He is essentially a channel.- Piet Mondrian


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