Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quiet on Set....

There was a time when I would lock myself away for days at a time trying to write and record but over time discovered that when a song wanted to be heard it would come at anytime it pleased.  I learned that I should focus on living life and having as many experiences as possible to draw from.  The past couple of weeks have been pretty busy hustling, renovating my kitchen and recording.  I'm seeing hexagon tiles in my sleep but now that we're nearing the completion of the job, I'm more inspired.  I firmly believe in getting the space I live in right.  I can't really live with florescent light, it really sucks the life out of me.  When we made "So Long" we rented an old apartment and fixed it up before starting the recording.  I don't think one note was recorded til everything was in place and the paint dryed.  It's just the way I tick I guess, can't think with clutter and uninspiring things lying around.  Fast forward to now and I'm full of paint, sanding cabinets, staining and hanging pendants and ending the night with a mic and a guitar.  I'm slowly easing out of my need for everything to be in it's place.  

So tonight I'll be finally done overdubbing the first song and sending it on to Danny.  I can't wait to hear what he does with it.  On to the next song and then the next and then all the new ones that won't leave me alone in the middle of the night.  Quite a burden to be living with, each one is your precious child and need equal attention.  Oh well, I guess it's better than writer's block.

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