Thursday, December 30, 2021

Letters To Patti Ann (Chapter 9) "The Spirit Journey"

Dear Patti Ann,

When you briefly died, you said that it held up a mirror to the world and how it was a beautiful sight because you saw the story of life unfold and that we are all the same.  The pain of being in the human body finally made sense.  I believe we’re only seeing a few dimensions in which we live.  You saw that the vastness of spirituality goes far beyond our dimensions.  Humans are at the threshold of a new consciousness and if we can discipline ourselves to apply the new knowledge with our technology, growth will prosper exponentially.  



There are some things a song cannot say.  Some things can't be metaphorical.  Some things need to be plainly spoken.  Our language in Grand Point morphed over the years from old world French, Creole into broken English and then a hybrid of the two until now.  I believe we must be curious about the past and where we've come from or else we're doomed to repeat mistakes.  We are so caught up on our devices in the information age.  So caught up in wrong and right and appropriations.  

The world is a melting pot.  Louisiana has been one for a while.  It wasn't always pretty right there on the river and the humans made some bad choices.  When I look back on the history of man, my mouth opens wide and i can't believe what I see.  In the far reaches of my mind, I can scarcely remember when the feeling of being the innocent child who didn't know the horrors of the world or tragedy.  But time marches on and teaches you her value.  It's precious.  

No matter how great man becomes, he will never know what happens in the after life.  Never.  There's no political movement or $2 bill that will save him.  He is alone in the wilderness.  Thoreau said, "it's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see".  

After 911, I had a dream that America stood up to the world and laid down her arms and declared us evolved citizens of the earth and would not be fighting anymore.  The new Greatest Generation had arrived and the hero had no sword.  There was wisdom and understanding and the belief that we all started from the same place.  Humans started from the same region, with a handful of beings that had traits of all future mankind.  The language changed as appearances changed with each year and travel. The earth changed under our feet and our bodies responded.  Stories were told and repeated and forgotten and retold and histories rewritten and our languages morphed.  We are more the same than we'd like to admit.  Perhaps, we are like the message being passed in the classroom.  We can't stay the same and no two will be alike. 

We've adapted to the great man theory of history; the idea that through sheer will the visionary genius can transform everything.  This conception of change as a top-down process, with revolutionary ideas handed down from above, is profoundly antidemocratic.  It's the only way for an imperialist society to thrive.  Everyone must believe the tale.  The tales of heaven and order on earth.  Oh and consume greatly.

But if we are not careful and only seek happiness through pleasure, we will become a slave to the things that are outside of ourselves.  True joy only comes from within.  In stillness.  In the now.  Not in future or past.  Learn to be in the present for even the future you lust will someday be your present.  

"As you step to the front of the line in your ancestry, the energy they embodied has been passed on and is now expressing as you and those of your current generation in the lineage. As you transform, the energy of the entire lineage preceding you is transformed, for it is all happening now through you, as you. You are the one who can heal old wounds for your entire lineage, forgive old enemies, shift conditioning and beliefs, release pain that has held preceding generations captive for centuries." -Dr. Judith Rich

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