Another year has come to pass. At the beginning of this year, I made a list of things I wanted to make myself do, mostly music putting oneself out there. Ha! It always feels silly in this day and age for a mature adult to be putting himself out there, along with the millions of peacocker's grasping for their 15 minutes of fame.
I woke up thinking of Warhol today and New York. Last night I went to the theatre to see the new Bob Dylan film and I really enjoyed it. I remember pulling up to Bonnarro music festival in our van with my band and Bob was right there in the back stage area before us about to go onstage. It was surreal. All I had done in the three years leading up to this moment, was grind out my first record So Long. I had barely played live and here I was before the music messiah and I had 9 songs to my name and was about to play live. People talk about imposter syndrome, but this was a crazy experience for me. I didn't grow up playing music. I just loved music and albums and artist for so long and I finally started buying equipment and was insanely curious to see what was in me.
Of course when I was younger I would have taken the fame, but I was about 30 by the time I signed with Atlantic and was too wise to not see the pageantry before me. I didn't want a life of smoke and mirrors. I wanted to really make art, unaffected by artifice. This morning we woke up and watched our usual Sunday morning show. There was a woman talking about resolutions and letting go of our entanglements of the past and the anxious future. My past does tie me up in knots. I know I did the right thing as I have finally chased the imposter inside of me away. Now I stand firm in knowing that I put the work in, and find myself in a sea of posers. In a way, Dylan was a poser. He is a great artist but he was damn good at posing and playing the game. I think he really loved the attention. I remember in my label years, meeting artists and noticing certain ones had this thing about them that strung people along. Those people scared me. They felt insanely self centered and self important. Kind of like Ricky Henderson talking about himself in the third person. It all seemed silly to me. I could have poked my chest out and faked it and made millions or I could duck out into the wild and find my art.
Last Sunday, we played our annual Christmas concert in Lafayette and it felt like a prayer. I never really had a goal with my music path. None other than to find my art and meaning beyond success and recognition. My friend Lane was there taking pictures and he helped me to see what I'm doing in a new light. It's very micro but I believe the guy at the microphone. That to me is success. This year I hope to find the courage to lean in to the mic a bit more in the silly noise of the world. Hoping to make a difference. Happy New Year. I'm ending it with a 8.5 handicap in golf. It's been nice since moving to Lafayette after years in New York and New Orleans, where I pretty much gave up playing golf. It's sunny today, I may go tee it up. Much love.